i am trying to collect THREE categories of webkinz! i'm like not really a completionist though and i'm not actively collecting right now. like if i saw them on a store shelf i'd be like on that immediately but i'm not searching.

i already have the love frog (4th) and the tie dye frog (7th) and i love them both very much. my priorities right now for these guys are the classic frog (3rd) and the spotted frog (5th) but honestly i love all of these guys so much.

there are probably a few more i haven't listed but i'm not going to worry about it right now. currently i'm looking for the love pup (1st), love spaniel (5th), love giraffe (6th) and eluvant (3rd). these guys are all so silly i love them so much.

I LOVE WEBKINZ DRAGONS. i love them SO MUCH. i want THEM ALL. i especially want the lava dragon (6th), the splash dragon (7th), the stormy dragon (8th) and the whimsy dragon (9th) but i love them all so much i would die to hold any of them. they're so silly. their eyes are so silly i love them.